Love Aranthangi, Like Aranthangi and Live in Aranthangi area. Add your business in your local App.
Instant Download – Aranthangi Super App from Google Play Store and Apple IOS. All shops are from Local Aranthangi Area only and local Aranthangi customers
Like to ADD your Medical Stores like this?. Just Click on ADD BUSINESS BUTTON and submit your details such as Photos, Address, Phone number, pricelist and few other details
Do you own Medical shop
Are you owner of Hospital in Aranthangi area
RMP Doctor or Physio Therapist serving in Aranthangi
Generate more leads by listing and showcase your details online in Aranthangi Super App
Sample displayed.. it may be like your business. To add your business details. Click button below and be part of modern business in your Village or Town
Hello Aranthangi Super App team delivers from Rs 19 depends on distance and products.
You can order items multi restaurants and up to 3 places our rider covers per order. First is full delivery charge and others half priced delivery cost
Once order is ready at restaurant or bakery or sweet shop. our rider delivers from 15 minutes depends on distance and items ready from vendors.
No, We do cash on delivery. Once order made our office team we call you for confimation.
Yes – its 100% free download. Download Hello Aranthangi Super App for Free in Google Play Store and IOS
Yes, We often run offers and offers are always send via push notification, So download our App.